Investor Readiness Programme
This programme is designed for Early Career Researchers and Technology Transfer Officers who are ready to bring their innovation to the next level. It is open to current or past NxNW ICURe and Lean Launch Programme participants.
Participants of this course will learn to develop their knowledge and skills around attracting investors and articulating their offering to secure investment.
This programme is open to any current or past NxNW ICURe or Lean Launch Programme participants. You will need to have agreement from your Technology Transfer Officer to participate in this programme.
For each session, we recommend that the Early Career Researcher leading the project and a member of the Technology Transfer Office staff at your University attend. Your Business Advisor and Principal investigator are welcome to attend, however this is not mandatory.
Programme Outline
The programme has three phases:
1. Investor Readiness Training event - Monday 1st March 2021
9.00-10:00am | Developing strong Investor relationships
10.00-10.15am | Coffee Break
10.15-12pm | Creating a strong revenue model
12.00-1.30pm | Lunch Break
1.30-3pm | Building a 1-page summary and pitch deck
2. Develop your pitch deck and 1-page summary - 2nd March to 21st March 2021
Work 1-2-1 with expert pitch doctors over a 3-week period to develop your pitch deck and 1-page summary.
3. Practice Pitch Event - Monday 22nd March 2021
Meet 1-2-1 with investors and practise your pitch in a safe environment. Receive honest, real-time feedback from experts in a low risk environment.
Programme Benefits
- Learn the knowledge & skills needed to have meaningful conversations with investors
- Create a strong pitch deck and 1-page summary of your innovation to attract investment.
- Access tools, frameworks and guidance to your team to articulate your unique offering.
- Practise your pitch with an expert panel of investors to gain real-time, honest feedback.
Time committment
Your team will need to be available for the 1-day training event plus there will be independent work required between 2nd-21st March. This time will be used to develop your pitch deck and 1-page summary.
The level of work required depends on how much information you have already collated for your pitch deck and 1-page summary following your ICURe or Lean Launch Programme market discovery journey. Your Technology Transfer Office representative will be able to guide you on how much time will likely be required during that 3 week period.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].